What is

The private IP address is the default gateway address assigned by the manufacturer of your router to all devices of the same model. In contrast to the public IP, the assigning of which is the responsibility of the Internet Service Provider, you can change to any other valid combination you’d like once you get access to the dashboard. Your router uses its private address to communicate with devices you connect to the wifi by creating a network of netmasks that identify each device. It is also the address devices on the network used to send requests for data packages.

Admin Login for


Logging into your router

Gaining access to your router’s dashboard is an easy enough task. Open up an internet browser of your choice and type https:// or http:// in the address bar. From there, you will be asked to provide the username and password for your device. Type those in, and you are ready to go adjusting your wireless settings and improving your router’s security.

If you are experiencing any difficulties, make sure that the internet-capable device you are using, such as a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, is connected to your router’s wifi. The default name of your router’s network is the brand and model. Ideally, you should connect your device to the Ethernet port of your router via a cable. That will ensure a stable connection throughout. You might also have difficulty in the login stage. The username and password should be either those you, or your ISP set when establishing the network, or more often – the default logins for your router.

What are the Default Username and Password for

Typically, the combination is simply “admin” for both username and password. If these don’t work, check out the label on the bottom of the device itself. You will find the logins listed next to your local IP You can also check online – the logins should be listed on the manufacturer’s website.

Resetting the logins

To reset the password for your router, you can go two ways:

  • If you are already logged into the admin dashboard, just go to the Network settings tab. There you should see the option to reset the logins.
  • If you are having trouble logging in to the admin panel at the link, you might want to factory reset the router by pressing the reset button on the back continuously for 15-20 seconds.

Note that factory resetting your router will wipe out all changes you have previously made to the network.

How to Configure and use

Now that you have fixed all issues with logging into the admin dashboard of your network device, you can proceed to make simple adjustments to the wireless so that you enjoy a more stable, secure, and personalized connection.

In the Network Settings tab, you can:

  • Change the private IP from to anything else.
  • Update the username and password for your router, or restore them to factory defaults

Both will enhance the security of your wifi.

In the Wireless Settings tab, you can:

  • Change the Service Set Identifier (SSID) – the name of your wifi, to something more personal, or professional – depending on whether you use the router at home or at the office.
  • Set up a password for your wifi.
  • Set Up guest networks and enable the Parental control feature.

These will make your network more personalized and identifiable among other available connections in your vicinity. Setting up a password and changing the SSID improve the security of your network as well.