What is

To establish an internet connection, your router uses a set of two IP addresses – the local/private IP and a public one that is determined by the Internet Service Provider. The private IP address is set by default by the manufacturer of the device and it is not unique to it. All routers from the same brand and model share it. The netmask – the number that identifies your laptops, smartphones, and other gadgets that you connect to the wifi, is based on the gateway IP. For instance, the first device you connect gets, the second one, the third one, and so on.

Admin Login for


How to Login at

One other feature that you get access to via the IP is the router’s admin dashboard. There you have full control over your network – from its “cosmetic” features such as the SSID, to more security and optimization-oriented options that will drastically improve your online experience. To log into your router at, make sure that the laptop you are using is connected to the right wireless network. When you establish the connection, type in the address bar of your favorite internet browser. It doesn’t matter whether you type https:// or http:// With some devices even the option works. On the screen that loads up, you will see a prompt to enter a username and a password. This could either be the default logins for the device or those that your ISP configured when setting up your network.

Where to find the Default Logins for

Take a look at the label on the bottom of the device. In addition to the technical information about your router, you will see listed as a default IP. Next to it, you should see the default username and password. They are usually “admin” for both. You can also look up the information online.

What if the default logins don’t work?

In that case, someone has already changed them. You can call your ISP provider to ask for the logins, but if that is not an option, or you are in a hurry:

  • Locate the reset button on the back of the device.
  • Press and hold it until the LED lights start blinking (you might need to use a pin).
  • Wait for the device to boot back up.

That procedure completes the factory reset of your router – you can now log into the admin dashboard at with the default logins. Alternatively, if you know the new logins but want to reset them, log into the admin menu and restart them from the Network settings tab. In that way, you won’t wipe all other changes made to the network up to that point.

 Configuring your network at

The admin menu offers a wealth of options to optimize your wifi settings. Feel free to explore and experiment and remember that all changes you make are revisable. One of your top priorities, however, should be to improve the security of your network. A couple of things you can do in that regard:

  • Update the router’s firmware. Look for the “Check for updates” button somewhere on the bottom of the page. Making sure your firmware is up-to-date is the best way to stay protected from vulnerabilities and will overall improve the performance of your device.
  • Change the default private IP to another one. Since all routers of the same model share the default local IP, potentially malicious third parties can relatively easily gain access to your admin panel. You can update the private IP of your router from the Network Settings tab. Just remember the new address, because once changed, you won’t be able to log in at the admin panel at