What is is what is known as a private IP address. It is an Internet Protocol address that your wireless router uses to establish the wireless connection at your home or office. It is set by default to by the manufacturer and it is not unique to your router. However, in contrast to the public IP, which is determined by your ISP (Internet Service Provider), you can change the private IP of your router at any time with a combination of your choice. This will automatically change the netmask each device you connect to the network gets once it signs onto the wifi.

Admin Login for


Log into your Router

Making any changes to the settings of your router, as well as your wireless network, is possible from the admin panel at To access the dashboard, you need to:

  • Make sure the device you are using (laptop, PC, or tablet) is connected to the right wireless network. For best rests, bridge the device and the router using an Ethernet cable.
  • Use an internet browser of your choice to type in https:// or http:// into the address bar and hit Enter.
  • Fill in the logins for the router.
To make sure everything happens from the first try, check if your router is switched on, and that the wireless connection is working properly. If you hit a snag on the login menu stage, e.g. the username and password you have don’t work, you might need to reset those. Make sure to call your ISP to ask if they have the logins first, though.

Resetting the password for

If all else fails, locate the reset button you will find at the back of the device. Some models require using a small pin to press them. Press the reset button and hold it until the LED lights start blinking. Once the device boots up, unplug it for a couple of minutes, plug it back in and you should be ready to use the default logins to access the router’s admin dashboard. 

 Note that factory resetting the device wipes out all changes you’ve previously made to the settings. In the ideal scenario, you should reset the logins from the admin dashboard itself – there is a button for that in the Network Settings menu.

Where to locate the default password for

Manufacturers write the default local IP, such as, in the user manual, on their website, and on the label, they place either on the back or the bottom of the device. You can also find there the default logins for the admin menu. There is typically a simple combination, such as “admin” and “admin” for both, or “admin” and “1234”.

Basic Configuration of your router

There are a few settings you might want to look into when you are setting up your device for the first time that will drastically improve the security of your network. First, you might want to change the default logins for the router from the Network Settings link. At the same place, you can also update your network’s private IP from to any other valid IP you’d like. Make sure to remember all changes you make there, because otherwise, you will not be able to log into the dashboard again, unless you factory reset the device.

Once you are done with that, update the SSID and the password for your router. Making these basic updates will prevent unauthorized access to your router’s settings, as well as the use of your wifi. From there, you can explore other features your device offers such as Parental Control, optimization for Gaming, built-in firewalls and VPN, etc.